by Joyce Appel, KTA Representative, Butler Outdoor Club
Save the date for the Butler Outdoor Club's 18th annual OUTDOOR EXTRAVAGANZA!
When: Memorial Day Weekend, May 23-25, 2014 (activities begin at 9 AM each day)
Base Camp: Breakneck Campground, near McConnell's Mill & Moraine State Park
Activities include trail and road biking, sailing, rafting, canoeing or kayaking on lakes & streams, hikes, nature walks a yoga hike, a scavenger hunt hike and several kids activities. Workshops including crafts, windsurfing, glass blowing and others will be available. There will also be historical and other types of excursions to go on.
Breakneck Campground is base camp. Activities begin 9:00 AM each day and leaders escort you to where each trip takes place. Breakfasts, bag lunches, dinners and camping can be purchased but are optional.
There is a lot of great entertainment planned for the evenings. Friday evening there will be a weiner roast picnic and drum circle. Saturday evening there will be a "Pig Roast" followed by the national road presentation. Sunday we will have a singing group called the The Occasional Divas. During evening campfires, there will be storytelling, "smores" & campfire entertainment by Jim Sorenson.
During the entire weekend, in the afternoons and early evenings we will have reiki and message therapy. We will also have a gear exchange/flea market, so join us to buy or sale. This weekend is a must!
Check out the website: