by Deb Dunkle (Reprinted with permission from the Fall, 2013 edition of Brushwhacker)
Construction of the South Woodbury footbridge over Yellow Creek is underway! Keller Engineers, from Hollidaysburg, moved this project to the bidding process, then Mid State Trail Association (MSTA) Vice-President Pete Fleszar prepared and submitted papers to DCNR for this bridge to finally be built!
Ventura Construction, from Duncansville, was low bidder and will be starting late September, 2013 to a projected completion date before the end of 2013. Structural Fiberglass, Inc. fabricator owner Garry L. Goss has graciously pledged a donation of $22,500 towards the installation of the new fiberglass Yellow Creek Bridge (YCB). Landowners Randy and Gloria Smith and George Snyder have granted the bridge abutments to be placed along their property on either side. The YCB will span 85' across the fishing stream and provide HP accessibility along the road. DCNR just notified us by email that partial payment should be received soon...get your party hats ready, we hope to have dedication late November or December! Many thanks to the local businesses that helped the MSTA with donations towards the matching funds:
Structural Fiberglass, Inc. - Garry L. Goss, President
Edwin Rissler Manufacturing
Claycomb Excavating -- Jon and Lois, owners
John/Barbara Thomas
Barkman Oil Co., Inc -- Dirk Barkman, President
W L Hall Lime & Coal, Inc.
Dr. Dan Styer
Elizabeth Harclerode
Herbert and Joan Hall
Because of your generosity, not only the local community but also anyone who hikes the MST will benefit from your support towards the YCB!
Donations are still being accepted to help with this project. Make checks out to the Mid State Trail Association and write "Yellow Creek Bridge Fund" in the memo line. Send to Deb Dunkle, Yellow Creek Bridge Project, 203 W Main Street, Everett, PA 15537 - this will go into the Yellow Creek Bridge fund of the Mid State Trail Association.