by Joe Healey, Crew Leader
From August 9-11, 2013, KTA volunteers had a great weekend of camping and trail work in Little Pine State Park, for KTA's Mid State Trail (Woolrich Region) Trail Care Weekend.
Sidehill work was the main project of the weekend. Working in advance with DCNR, Forester Ben Sands flagged and brush-cut the small reroute prior to our arrival. The reroute was cut right below a gas well pad where, last year, there was an 8,000- gallon fracking spill, compliments of the gas drilling industry. The relocation was completed on Saturday, thanks to the crew joyfully swinging their pulaskis all day long!
On Sunday, the work crew did some further manicuring in that area, and also worked on some improvements on existing trail down the second fork of Ramsey Run to the Ramsey Bridge. The painting crew blazed their way from Ramsey Road down to Route 44 in Ramsey, which totaled about five miles.
Those in attendance were Tom Bastian, Bob Boettger, Diane Buscarini, Kevin Busko, Deb Dunkle, Pete Fleszar, Joe Healey, Lorraine Healey, first-timer Deb May, Tony Robbins, Rick Stibgen, Donna Thompson, Jenn Ulmer and Dave Walp. In addition to all of the hard workers listed above, I would also like to thank Mike Dinsmore, Park Manager, for waiving the camp fees.