Are you a hard-core hiker? An enthusiastic trail-runner? A road-runner with a desire to push yourself harder, on more challenging terrain, surrounded by nature's bounty?
Do you do a few trail runs, marathons, triathalons etc each year and want to try a different course? Never tried one, but want to see if you can make it through 29+ grueling miles of trail in one day? Or have you done the Super Hike in the past, and want to see how you do with the slightly-longer and more challenging course this year (bonus: less road walk!), especially given that you have 30 minutes less in which to to finish it? If your answer to any of these questions is YES, then don't delay -- register for KTA's 5th annual Susquehanna Super Hike and Ultra Trail Run today!! We are very close to being half-booked -- we typically start seeing a lot more registrations flooding in in June and July, and we have been filled to capacity by the beginning of August, so this is the time to reserve your spot if you plan to join us.
Click here to learn more!