by Jeff Mitchell, KTA Board Member and author of Hiking the Endless Mountains, Backpacking Pennsylvania, Paddling Pennsylvania, and Hiking the Allegheny National Forest.
As hikers, we go to the trails to escape the stress of our lives, to enjoy the beauty of our world, and to share the outdoors with others. But what happens when these trails are threatened?
We can stick our heads in the sand and pretend the threat will go away, or that someone else will take care of the problem.
Or we can stand up for ourselves and the thousands of volunteer hours we have donated to build, maintain, and promote these trails.
As hikers, we believe in the responsible management of our public lands, that government will be transparent and fair, and that our volunteer work will be respected by Harrisburg.
But that is not what is happening.
The famous and popular Old Loggers Path (OLP) is threatened by natural gas drilling, even though the state can protect much of the trail due to a deed restriction. As we all know, this is a beautiful trail offering vistas, isolation, great camping, and Rock Run, a stream of magnificent beauty. Along its circuit, it does not cross a single paved road and it features deep forests that are becoming increasingly rare.
I have hiked this trail numerous times, and also help maintain it. On my first backpack trip there, a fawn came running down the trail towards me, before stopping a few feet away as it sniffed and looked at me with curiosity. The seconds felt like hours as I stood amazed. It then disappeared into the woods. Experiences like this make the OLP so special.
I'm not the only one. This is a trail that has attracted hikers from across the country and world; people from England and Mexico have signed the trail registers on the OLP. And it is a trail we have maintained with our volunteered labor.
But Harrisburg appears unconcerned with the protection of the OLP. The (Department of Conservation and Natural Resources) DCNR has not guaranteed the trail will be protected, nor has there been any public meetings to discuss the drilling on these public lands, despite repeated requests. In fact, DCNR has no intention of having any public meetings. Harrisburg requests our volunteer labor, but will not protect the fruits of our efforts in the face of natural gas drilling.
Is this fair? Of course not.
KTA has been a leading advocate in the protection of the OLP and the beautiful Loyalsock State Forest. We need KTA's voice in Harrisburg to protect all we enjoy. But this advocacy requires resources. If the trails and public lands where you hike mean anything to you and your family, please give what you can.
Our inaction will lead to the destruction of what we cherish as hikers. And the trails and natural areas we once loved will be a part of our past, not our future. We will not let this happen. Please help us by making a contribution today. Any amount will help. Thank you.