Representative Vitali will be hosting a hearing of the House Democratic Policy Committee on Thursday, May 2 at 10 a.m. in the State Capitol in Harrisburg.
It will be held in the minority caucus room (Room 418 Main Capitol building).
The purpose of the hearing is to attempt to answer the question: what can state government do to make shale drilling more protective of human health and the environment.
The hearing will be broken down into four panels: air issues, water issues, public health/public disclosure, and surface issues.
Tentatively scheduled to testify are :
Jay Duffy, Staff Attorney with Clean Air Council; John Walliser, Vice President of Legal and Governmental Affairs, Pennsylvania Environmental Council; Tom Au, Conservation Chair, Pennsylvania Sierra Club; Dr. Bernie Goldstein, Professor Emeritus, University of Pittsburgh; John Hanger, former DEP Secretary; Jill Kriesky, Associate Director, Southwest Pennsylvania Environmental Health Project; Steve Stroman, Policy Director, PennFuture; Kevin Heatley, Responsible Drilling Alliance; and Lauren Williams, Associate Attorney, Curtin and Heefner, LLP.
Keystone Trails Association members are encouraged to attend. |