by Joyce Appel, KTA Representative-at-Large, Butler Outdoor Club, NCTA
We hope you’ll attend this terrific event August 12-17, 2013 in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania! Why? PA rocks! The scenery here is gorgeous and green, and we’re sure you’ll love it! Besides the trail, there’s plenty of other fun (both in and outdoors!) to be had in the county. You’ll find a variety of unique activities when you arrive in your new home away from home in Butler County, PA.
Week of conference and outdoor fun: There will be hikes, workshops, excursions and many other activities for all ages, such as sailing, canoeing, horseback riding, rock climbing, caving, biking, boat tour, museums, re-enactments and living history, as well as “Kids & Parents” activities. Great evening programs and entertainment: Local History program Geology across the 7 NCT states, Astronomy, Star Gazing Party, Vaudeville Variety Show, Wanda Shirk from TV Survivor Show, Bill Weiner as professional guitarist & founder of the “Monongahela Sheiks”, Steve Haberman Magic & Comedy, Front Porch Folk using handmade instruments, The Old Hats with new Appalachian style music, Amanda Noah as a guitarist covering a diverse medley of artists, Joey Hamilton with “Show n Tell” period of history, State Parks of PA program, Jim Sorenson as a professional guitarist playing campfire music, weiner roast, and bonfires each night at campus campground. We hope to have the Sec.of Interior at our Saturday night Benefit Banquet as our keynote speaker. Yes!!!!...our US Secretary of Inteior. On your own Pre-conference weekend: backpack trip with supplies and food provided, chainsaw certification, historical NCT Davis Hollow Cabin Tour with living histroy, McConnells Mill Tour with taste of history, Jennings Environmental Center, and Old Stone House Stage Coach Stop Tour with re-enactments & history presentation. On your own Post-conference: weeklong backpack trip in Allegheny National Forest, first-aid certification and wilderness survival course.