Hello fellow hikers! My name is Cassandra Romanowski, and I have been interning with Keystone Trails Association for the past semester. I am an undergraduate senior at Penn State Harrisburg, majoring in Interdisciplinary Humanities, and a member of the Capital College Honors Program. In order to satisfy my credits as an honors student, I was required to complete 45 hours of service learning with an organization of my choice.
KTA was an easy choice for me. I love to be outdoors, especially hiking and kayaking, and frequent many of the trails around Pennsylvania quite often. My favorite local hike is Tumbling Run, but I have never been on a trail that I could not find something to love. The most difficult hike I've ever accomplished was the Delicate Arch Trail in Moab, UT during high summer temperatures.
Environmentalism is a paramount passion of mine, and I hope to some day work for the National Park Service. In fact, I am currently writing my thesis on America's need to revitalize our relationship to Nature in order to evoke a healthier and more sustainable future. KTA's mission of preserving Pennsylvania's footpaths aligns perfectly with my own interests.
During my time here, I have helped with research, event preparations, writing and editing newsletters, and various other office tasks. Witnessing first hand the hard work and dedication it takes for this small non-profit organization to operate, I am motivated to become more involved with the movement, and appreciate the committed efforts from those who make it possible.