Thanks to the Cumberland Valley Appalachian Trail Club (CVATC), the bridge and boardwalk north of the Scott Farm in Middlesex Township in Cumberland County has recently been renovated! The bridge is located on the Appalachian Trail between Bernheisel Bridge Road and Sherwood Drive.
The old bridge, originally constructed in 2007, was susceptible to damage from frequent flooding of the Conodoguinet Creek. The renovations include extending a walkway to the north and south, and raising it to the level of the main bridge. Repairs were also made to the bridge deck and rails.
Hurricane Sandy provided an unexpectedly early test for the new bridge, about a week after renovations were complete. Although the flood-waters rose to about eighteen inches below the renovated bridge, no damage was done. The old bridge would have been covered with water, and damage would likely have been extensive.
The Cumberland Valley Appalachian Trail Club wishes to thank the Appalachian Trail Conservancy-Mid-Atlantic Trail Crew's volunteers for their hard work and assistance. Gratitude also goes to the Mid-Atlantic office of the Appalachian Trail Conservancy for providing funding for the materials.