At KTA's Annual Meeting, Wayne Gross, KTA Publications Committee Chair and Guide Editor, announced completion of the 12th Edition of the Pennsylvania Appalachian Trail Guide. The new edition will be available soon for purchase online at
The committee extends thanks to representatives of the eleven A.T. maintaining clubs who assisted with the preparation of the guide: Wilmington Trail Club (Mike Kintner), BATONA Hiking Club (Susan Charkes), Appalachian Mountain Club, Delaware Valley Chapter (Daniel Schwartz), Philadelphia Trail Club (David Scheid), Allentown Hiking Club (Ed Ritter), Blue Mountain Eagle Climbing Club (Scott Birchman), Susquehanna A.T. Club (Thomas Scully and Jeff Buehler), York Hiking Club (James Hooper), Mountain Club of Maryland (Paul Ives), Cumberland Valley A.T. Club (James Foster), and Potomac A.T. Club, North Chapter (James H. Stauch, Jr. and Peter Brown).
The Committee also wishes to thank the following individuals for their help: Brian King and Kelly McGinley of ATC; Thyra Sperry, Curt Ashenfelter, and Shanna Filizzi of Keystone Trails Association; Dan McMaster of Sun Litho Print; Robert Miller, and Kari Kirk.
The Committee also wishes to thank the following people who supplied photographs for the guide: Allen Britton, John Cammerotta, James Foster, Wayne E. Gross, Jeff Mitchell, Charles Olge, Sue Prendergast, Lorrie Preston, David Scheid, Thomas Scully, James Stauch, Jr., and Ernest Yeagley.