Do you belong to one of KTA's member organizations/ clubs? If so, did you know we need your club's help, just as much as we need the help of all of KTA's individual members? Here are three ways your club can help KTA - and Pennsylvania's trails - this month.
PA Hiking Week is quickly approaching! This annual event generates a lot of interest in Pennsylvania's trails from within and without the hiking community -- it's a great opportunity to expose individuals and families to this healthful and exciting activity, and to educate current hikers about Keystone Trails Association and your local hiking or outdoors club!
Each year, our goal is to offer at least 100 hikes to hikers throughout Pennsylvania - as of today, less than 40 hikes have been added to the calendar on We need your help! If you would like to lead a guided hike between May 26 and June 3, please let us know (e-mail, or learn how to list your hike online yourself by clicking here. Consider requiring RSVP's (in the hike description); if you do not receive any interest in your hike, then you do not need to show up at the scheduled time.
We need to choose a site for KTA's 2013 Spring Meeting & Hiking Weekend in the next few weeks. Would your club like to host a KTA Hiking Weekend? We can provide you with the list of criteria and responsibilities for hosting. Whether or not your club would like to be a host, if you have a suggestion as to where we should go, or would like to participate in a Site Selection Working Group, please let us know ASAP! Based on some suggestions already submitted, we have listed a few options - as well as an 'other' category - on a new poll, on the left side of our website.
KTA's fourth annual Susquehanna Super Hike and Ultra Trail Run is scheduled for Saturday, September 8, 2012. With 500 hikers and trail runners expected to show up on event day, we need a LOT of volunteer support from our clubs and individual members to ensure everything goes smoothly! We have volunteer opportunities on both Friday (9/7) and Saturday (9/8), in York and Lancaster Counties, in the morning, afternoon, and evening. There are many different options for helping, including, but not limited to, trail marking/blazing, signage, parking, traffic control, picnic, photographer, trail sweeps, timing/finish line, registration, checkpoint/ aid station, spotter, set-up, clean-up, and so much more! Volunteer alone, with a friend, or with a group. All event volunteers will receive a Super Hike shirt and an invitation to partake in our post-event picnic. Register online to volunteer, complete and e-mail the form, or print and return your registration form.