According to the KTA bylaws, the Council consists of one representative from each organizational member, twelve Representatives-at-Large elected by the individual members, the members of the Board of Directors, the chairs of the standing committees, the legal advisor, and the newsletter editor.
The Council is responsible for the election of the Board and Officers, the ratification of the annual budget and changes in the membership contribution levels, and the approval of amendments to the KTA bylaws. The Council is also expected to give advice and make recommendations to the Board.
KTA's staff can help address individual club's concerns, on a case-by-case basis. The Council, however, can help address broader concerns that affect many of our member organizations. Is your local club experiencing a specific difficulty that may be shared by other KTA affiliates? If so, please let us know! Examples may include shrinking membership, integration of - and adaptation to - newer technologies like websites, Facebook, etc, and competition with no-fee Meetup groups. Let us know what is important to your club, and we can focus on these issues in the KTA Club Connection and/or at our next Council meeting!
Are you, or is someone in your club, interested in advancing the agenda of the local clubs, and KTA as a whole, through committee work? Please consider joining one of KTA's many committees, which focus on conservation and advocacy, grants and loans, nominations, publications, trail care, trail club services, finance, and membership and development. Our committees need your input and participation! Only so much can be accomplished during our biannual, 2-hour long Council meetings -- with strong, active committees, much more can be done year-round to advance the goals and efforts of Keystone Trails Association and its member clubs. If you are interested in learning more about committee work, please let us know! |