Concerned about natural gas drilling in Pennsylvania's state forests? Please view this message from Butch Davey, courtesy of the Pennsylvania Forest Coalition.
Many of you know Robert “Butch” Davey. He was the District Forester in FD 10, Sproul State Forest for many years. And at age 71 he placed 48th out of 182 finishers in KTA’s 26-mile Super Hike.
Butch is old-school. He loved that job. His family likes to joke that the forest was his fifth child, and his favorite.
He worries that Marcellus Shale gas drillers will repeat the mistakes of the timber and mining industries of last century by turning our state forests into industrial sites, depleting our natural resources. View Butch's story below or click here:
If you get the chance to drive on the Forestry roads in Sproul, Tioga, or Susquehannock State Forests, you will agree completely with Butch.
Governor-elect Tom Corbett is poised to overturn the current ban on additional leasing of our state forests for gas drilling. There has already been so much of our forest leased out that we must protect the few, special areas that we have left.
The DCNR biologists are right. We cannot afford to ruin our state forestry lands. We owe that to our children – and their children.