Your full name? Careen (Carrie) M. Shafer.
Your age? 41.
Your hometown? Huntingdon County.
How long have you been hiking? I think all my life. I remember going for walks in the woods with my dog when I was 10 to 12 years old. I used to go down to the creek at my grandparents place, but I don’t know if that counts as hiking.
What’s your earliest memory of hiking? Up behind my parents’ house when I was 10 years old with my dog, Beauty (a mutt from the pound), I would cross a fallen log that bridged a deep creek bed. She would follow me across.
What’s your most memorable hiking experience? A waterfall hike in the Poconos. I was trying to see around the corner of the stream but slipped over the edge and fell 8 feet into the water. This was the second time this guy and I had hung out, and I wondered what he thought when I went over the edge.
Why did you decide to take the 100-Mile Trail Challenge? To support and raise funds for KTA. Because of schedule conflicts, I haven’t been able to make any Trail Care Weekends, so this is a way of giving back.
What are some of the trails you plan to hike on to meet this goal? Don’t have any specific ones planned. I usually hike or run in the state game lands behind my house. Trail races: Dam Half (13 miles) at R.B. Winter State Park, Union County; Monster Hunt (6 miles) at Black Moshannon State Park and Rothrock Trail Challenge (17 miles), Centre County; Sweat 4 Vets (6 miles) and Homers Gap 6K (4 miles), both in Altoona, Blair County; Snowfest (5 miles) at Greenwood Furnace State Park and Greenwood Furnace Trail Challenge (13 miles), Huntingdon County; and Dirty Kiln (13 miles) at Canoe Creek State Park, Blair County.
What is your #1 favorite hiking trail in Pennsylvania, and why is it your favorite? I haven’t been to all of them, so I don’t have one. I frequent the Thousand Steps Trail in Rothrock State Forest and parts of the Standing Stone Trail because they’re close to my home.
What is your favorite thing about hiking? It’s a good way to get exercise and spend time with my dog or friends. I see a lot of wildlife when I’m in the woods. It’s the one form of exercise I can commit to and do in almost any weather.
Who is sponsoring you so far (friends, family, coworkers, hiking club, etc.)? Friends, family, and businesses.
How did you hear about, and first get involved with, KTA? The Hyner Trail Challenge put out a flyer for Prowl the Sproul in the goody bag the participants received.
Do you have any advice to new hikers? Good socks—invest in good socks. Also invest in good hiking boots. Always have water for yourself and your 4-legged companion.
What is the one thing you’ll never hit the trail without? My dog, Kenzee. Well, sometimes there are events that don’t permit dogs.
Do you have a favorite nature or hiking quote that you can share with us (either your own or someone else’s)? “Do or do not—there is no try” (Yoda from Star Wars); “Not all those who wander are lost” (J.R.R. Tolkien from Lord of the Rings, in reference to Strider, who was a ranger); and “Safe journeys.”