by Joe Healey
The August 19-21 KTA Trail Care for the Mid State Trail (MST), Woolrich Region, arrived at Ravensburg State Park, Clinton County, around 3:00 Friday afternoon. An early crew had started work at 9:00 Friday morning, as a new recruit, Alex Curtze, could work only on Friday since he was moving back to college that weekend. Tom Bastian, Dave Walp, and Alex brushwhacked near the Hairy Johns Picnic Area just off Pennsylvania Route 45. Good job, guys!
During dinner at the park, a long-distance biker—yes, biker—came in and registered to camp for the night. He’d biked from Michigan and was heading to Newark, Delaware. As he was a strong-looking young man, I asked him if he’d be interested in working with the KTA Trail Crew on Saturday. Although I can’t recall whether I mentioned he’d be digging sidehill all day, he was very agreeable to the idea. Nice way to get some young talent into KTA, don’t you think? His first name was also Alex, with his last name being Soroka. Can’t have too many Alexes.
On Saturday morning there were 2 paint crews (4 people) sent to an area that needed reblazing, as well as 12 individuals assigned to dig sidehill to finish a reroute that was started last year. The project was finally completed and was blazed on Sunday morning before the rains came. A big surprise for the Trail Care workers was that MST President Ed Lawrence bought pizza for everyone on Saturday evening. "Thank you, Ed, we certainly appreciated it."
Those in attendance were Ben Auer, Tom Bastian, Kevin Busko, Pat Cody, Alex Curtze, Joe and Lorraine Healey, Tony Robbins, Wanda Shirk, Kathy Sieminski, Sharon Southall, Alex Soroka, Rick Stibgen, Donna Thompson, Jenn Ulmer, and Dave Walp. The gang worked a total of 192 hours, drove 54 hours round-trip, and reblazed 8-1/2 miles on the MST. Thanks to everyone for a job well done. All of this hard work is appreciated by all. Last of all, a huge thank-you to Ravensburg State Park Manager Mike Crowley and his staff for keeping the park a great place for us to camp.