by Ed Lawrence, KTA Trail Care Chair
There are some good projects scheduled for volunteers at the Saturday, May 7th Code Orange event at Whipple Dam State Park and (bonus!) participants may even get a glimpse of the local Bald Eagle fishing Whipple Lake. A mucky section of the trail that circles the lake is slated to be reconfigured using big rocks as stepping stones. Further along, another section is slated to be moved to higher ground, requiring new blazing, some lopping and closing off the old trail. Yet another reroute will need some side hill digging, in order to move the trail off a steep and eroded climb and also (bonus!) away from a short road walk. In other words, something for everyone that, combined, will make a significant improvement to the trail and for park hikers.
The other good news is that once again, as they did last year, the Friends of Whipple Dam State Park group will provide lunch (bonus!) for everyone with a super excellent cookout. Park Manager Michael Dinsmore has set aside 5 camping sites at Greenwood Furnace State Park, 10 miles away from Whipple, for volunteers who want to stay over Friday and/or Saturday nights and enjoy the hiking opportunities in the area before and after the work day. KTA designated sites are 8,9,10,11 and 47, which is pet friendly. Campers should check in at the Park Office until 4 p.m. or with the Campground Host after hours. Participants will be gathering at 8:30 in Pavilion One at Whipple Dam State Park on Saturday morning for crew assignments. Look for KTA Trail Care signs to guide you in. Hope to see you there for a day of good work and good companionship (bonus!).
May 7: Code Orange
Whipple Dam State Park
W/Friends of Whipple Dam S.P.
Leader: Michael Dinsmore
Meet: 8:30 at Park Office
Camping available Fri.& Sat. at Greenwood Furnace S.P.