Letter to the Editor, by Joe Neville, KTA Executive Director
(published in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)
We are writing to convey our gratitude to Representatives GT Thompson, Matt Cartwright, and Ryan Costello for their support of legislation to address the growing trail maintenance backlog in our national forests. The National Forest System Trails Stewardship Act (HR845) would keep more trails across the nation open and accessible by expanding the use of volunteers and partner organizations – a wonderful solution to a nagging problem.
The U.S. National Forest System contains the largest network of trails in the world and receives roughly 165 million visitors a year. However, only one quarter of all trails are maintained to standard. This maintenance backlog prevents public access and poses dangers to public safety.
It also keeps more people from visiting the National Forests including our own Allegheny National Forest in Rep. Thompson’s district. Trails represent an important part of Pennsylvania’s outdoor economy and allow our public lands to remain accessible for all types of adventures. The Trails Stewardship bill is an important component of maintaining the robust and vibrant economy that comes with recreation-related tourism.
Unfortunately, while the Trails bill has gained incredible support, it remains stuck in Congress. Endorsements, at 80 representatives and 24 senators, is split among Democrats and Republicans. The proposal would stem the loss of trails that threatens to eliminate access to the great outdoors. That is a worthy goal.
Democrats and Republicans in Washington, D.C., don’t agree on much, but they agree that this bipartisan bill will do a lot of good. Congress should pass it immediately.