by Jan King, AT Supervisor for Wilmington Trail Club
The Wilmington Trail Club (WTC) will hold a maintenance work trip on May 14 for the Appalachian Trail (AT) section from the Delaware River at the Pennsylvania–New Jersey line to Fox Gap at Pennsylvania Route 191. Jan King will lead the event (; 302-530-6798). This will be a general work trip involving cleanup of the Kirkridge Shelter, repainting some blazes, and trimming brush along trail. With enough people (2 cars), we can hike the entire 7-mile section of trail. In Delaware, meet at 7:30 AM at the Brandywine Park and Ride, Brandywine Commons, Wilmington. Plan to arrive at Fox Gap 9:30-10:00 AM and leave for the day at 4:00-5:00 PM. At the end of the day, we may have time for a snack stop at the Village Bakery in Delaware Water Gap.