2016 Trail Care Schedule DECODED
With Apologies to Dan Brown
by Page Turner
After careful study, I have concluded that what is most intriguing and confounding about the KTA 2016 Trail Care Schedule is how the three levels of events, when superimposed upon each other in an overlapping palimpsestistic manner would seem to mimic the structure of the triple helixian arc, that is, the aptly named "Keystone Principle", which, if one needed to be reminded, is paradoxically both the bedrock and the core on which the program was founded. Thus affirming and reaffirming the received wisdom that if the key does not fit the lock, it is because the door is really a mirror.
Consider the 3 Code Orange one day events. Two return to venues that were scheduled in 2015, Whipple Dam and Gifford Pinchot State Parks. Keep in mind however, that, due to unruly weather, the Pinchot event had to be cancelled along with the not to be missed, and therefore greatly missed, cookout that the Pinchot Friends Group throw for volunteers at the end of the day. That undoing means that the planned work at the Park remains undone. Add to that potent mix the August 6th Code Orange that will bring the KTA banner, for the first time, to Beltzville State Park. This Orange triangulation brings with it camping both Friday and Saturday nights for all three events, but note that the camping for Whipple Dam will be at Greenwood Furnace S.P. and for Beltzville will be at Hickory Run S.P. allowing participants to experience 5 of Pennsylvania's State Parks while attending 3 events, an uncanny five/thirds dividend.
The 8 weekend Trail Cares in 2016 bode well for the trail systems that will receive the gift of volunteer involvement in their maintenance. These trails are some of Pa.'s signature hiking destinations There is magic in the hiking experience they provide, but their upkeep is more down to earth, and depends on the hundreds of hours of work by people who have experienced their enchantment and want to make sure the opportunity is available to future hikers. The Mid State, The West Rim, The Tuscarora, The Black Forest, The Quehanna trails and the Bucktail Path all bring with them their unique lore, and lure. Volunteers can avail themselves of a night under the stars, the flickering shadow play of the camp fire and the satisfaction of a day well spent on trail work.
The third third of the troika is the weeklong Trail Crew, where participants can gain their deepest insights into the volunteer experience while focusing their bodily energies on the trail project, with meals provided. The Standing Stone Trail begins the first of 5 weeks, this year in mid-May, followed a week later by the North Country Trail in the #2 position. At the tipping point, week # 3, comes The Thunder Swamp Trail System based out of the Resica Falls Boy Scout Camp. Followed closely by the Chuck Keiper/ Donut Hole Trails week and culminating June 21st with the Everett Region of the Mid State Trail. All trail crew weeks are apex events when graded using the Maslow Hierarchy (more on that at the KTA Spring Weekend).
In summation, the Trail Care Program is a volunteer fueled schedule of events that will take participants through the looking glass. Clicking your heals together three times is optional, while clicking onto the KTA home page for more information is recommended.