by Friends of Allegheny Wilderness
For those interested in the North Country National Scenic Trail -- which traverses the Allegheny National Forest for 95 miles including through several wild, remote areas proposed for wilderness designation under the Wilderness Act of 1964 by Friends of Allegheny Wilderness -- please consider making a quick contact to Congressman Glenn Thompson today. We need his co-sponsorship for H.R. 799, the North Country National Scenic Trail Route Adjustment Act. And, we need him to help champion this bill in the House Natural Resources Committee, of which he is a majority member.
This bill would connect the NCT with the Appalachian Trail, and would also add some world-class hiking trails along Lake Superior’s north shore in Minnesota. H.R. 799 is a bi-partisan bill, now with 23 co-sponsors. Most of them represent Congressional districts through which the NCT passes, which includes the PA-5th district that Congressman Thompson represents.
Please take a quick moment to make a phone call, asking Congressman Thompson to join his colleagues in co-sponsorship of H.R. 799. Tell him why this matters to you as part of the North Country Trail community, each of us working along the 4,600 miles to create a legacy for all Americans.
Congressman Thompson’s Washington, D.C. office can be reached at 202-225-5121.
Thank you!
North Country National Scenic Trail online:
North Country Trail Association online: