by John Mohr
Here's the scoop on Annie:
Nickname: "Nature Warrior"
Age: 7
Hometown: Mercersburg, PA
How long have you been hiking? 3 months
Why did you decide to take the 100-Mile Trail Challenge? I decided to take the 100 mile Challenge to see if I can do it and to get in better shape so I can be on American Ninja Warrior someday.
What are some of the trails you plan to hike on to meet this goal? I will hike on the Tuscarora Trail and the Appalachian Trail
What is your #1 favorite hiking trail in PA, and why is it your favorite? My favorite trail is the Tuscarora Trail because I like all the rocks.
What is your favorite thing about hiking? My favorite thing about hiking is being out in nature with my dad and mom.
Who is sponsoring you so far (friends, family, co-workers, hiking club, etc)? My mom and dad and my dad's employer (Fast Ink) are sponsoring me so far. I hope my grandparents will too.
Do you have any advice to new hikers? My advice to new hikers is to make a checklist of things you will need on the hike and bring more water than you think you will need.
What is the one thing you’ll never hit the trail without? Water, smart wool socks and hiking boots are the things I won't hit the trail without.
Do you have a favorite nature/ hiking quote that you can share with us (either your own or someone else’s)?: "See ya on the creature trail"