by Joe Healey, Woolrich Regional Manager, Mid State Trail Association
KTA had a very successful Trail Care Weekend on August 21-23 working on the Mid State Trail (MST) in the Woolrich Region. Some people came out bright and early Saturday morning for 1 day, but most of the crew camped at Ravensburg State Park, Clinton County. Just north of the park, the MST descends Round Top (a peak on Bald Eagle Mountain), in some places dropping at a 56% grade. I received permission from the Bureau of Forestry to reroute the trail and dig sidehill going down the mountain for a safer descent. Digging sidehill with a Pulaski and/or pickax is always fun.
In attendance were KTA President Wanda Shirk, Board Members Donna Thompson and Bob Merrill, Representative-at-Large Jenn Ulmer, and KTA’s Program Administrator Sara Haxby. Also in attendance were Tom Bastian, Paul Brach, Pete Fleszar, Joe and Lorraine Healey, Mary Ladish, Joe Rebar, Tony Robbins, Sharon Southall, Rick Stibgen, and Dave Walp. As you can see, there was quite an impressive group of KTA representation. I would like to thank everyone for their hard work and their valuable time. Without such dedicated volunteers, we would have far fewer well-maintained hiking trails throughout the state. I would especially like to thank KTA for sponsoring the weekend and also Mike Crowley, Ravensburg State Park Manager, for his cooperation and for the camping.