By Shanna Klucar, Associate Director
To KTA's members and volunteers:
I have decided to accept a management position at the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, which will enable me to put my psychology and social work training and education to good use, and help me to ensure that some of the Commonwealth's social programs and services are well-managed, efficient and effective.
 Please join me in giving a warm welcome to Sara Haxby (picture on right), who came on board as KTA's new Program Administrator on June 27. Sara grew up in New England, working in outdoor retail and office administration in between traveling and backpacking adventures. Sara graduated from William Smith College in New York with a B.A. in Socialization Across Cultures, and first backpacked through Pennsylvania during her 2009 thruhike of the Appalachian Trail. After her hike, and a thruhike of Vermont’s Long Trail, she took over management of an outfitter in Hanover, New Hampshire. She focused on serving the hiker community (the AT was 1 block from the front door), and organized events and partnerships with the local business community and the Appalachian Trail Conservancy.
When Sara recently moved to Pennsylvania, she began volunteering with the Cumberland Valley Appalachian Trail Club. Through a lucky encounter, she heard about an opportunity to work for the Keystone Trails Association, and leapt at the chance. She is thrilled to work toward fulfilling KTA’s mission, and I am confident that she will be an excellent addition to KTA's team.
It has truly been a pleasure and an honor working with each of you over the last 4.5 years. I have been inspired by the dedication of those who work so hard to provide, preserve, and protect them. Keystone Trails Association is an amazing organization, with a big heart and a big mission, and I hope to have many opportunities to hike - and volunteer - with KTA in the future!
Happy trails,
Shanna Klucar
Associate Director, KTA