The components of the America Gives More Act of 2015 (H.R.644) would restore and permanently extend 3 expired charitable giving incentives—food inventories, conservation easements, and the individual retirement account (IRA) rollover—that help promote and ensure support for the work of nonprofits such as KTA.
Specifically, the IRA charitable rollover option, which allowed individual taxpayers aged 70-and-a-half and older to donate up to $100,000 from their IRAs directly to charitable nonprofits, has provided needed support for the work of charitable organizations across the nation. In addition, the enhanced tax deduction for conservation easement donations helped America’s land trusts work with farmers and other landowners to increase voluntary land conservation.
Click here to learn how you can encourage your senator to restore and make permanent these giving incentives that are so important to nonprofits such as KTA and other trail and conservation organizations.