Calling all hike leaders! You are now able to add your local hikes to the PA Hiking Week schedule. We are hoping to offer over 100 hikes across Pennsylvania, between May 30 and June 7, and need your help to do so.
Please pass this information along to anyone that may be interested in coordinating and leading a hike during this annual week-long event.
DCNR is again utilizing the Explore PA Trails website for PA Hiking Week. Visit, and click on the “Submit a Hiking Week Event” tab. If you do not already have one, you will need to create an account (free, and fast) prior to scheduling your hike. Please make sure that you enter hikes into the PA Hiking Week section, and not the general ExplorePATrails event category.
When you enter descriptions of your hikes, please be as specific as possible, and include such details as length, level, what to bring, contact person, email, specific directions and whatever else is pertinent. This information will show up in the event description. If you have any questions, please
contact KTA.
Thank you all for your help, and Happy Trails!