by Paul Shaw, Nominations Committee Chair
The following persons are candidates for election to the KTA Board of Directors for a 3-year term beginning October 12, 2014 subject to election by KTA Council at its annual meeting on October 11, 2014 in Doubling Gap. There are three open positions.
Donna Thompson, Millville, PA
Donna is employed as a sales data analyst for Kydex LLC in Bloomsburg PA. She is a member of the Mid State Trail Association, Alpine Club of Williamsport and Susquehanna Trailers, and maintains two sections of the Mid State Trail. Over the past three years, she has become a very active participant in KTA’s Trail Care events, very much enjoying the sense of accomplishment and camaraderie these events provide. She is also a big fan of the KTA hiking weekends and the Prowl the Sproul event. As a KTA Board member, Donna will have a particular interest in the support and continued success of the Trail Care program.
Jack Hauler, Malvern, PA
Jack is an optometrist in Malvern PA. In recent years, his outdoor interests have evolved from running and trail running to hiking and backpacking. As an avid hiker and backpacker, he “found” KTA and has been a frequent participant in slackpack and hiking weekend events. Jack brings extensive volunteer Board experience to KTA; most recently, he served on the Board of his local library, where he provided leadership in fundraising and advocacy efforts. He is the founder of the Optometric Service Group, providing voluntary optometric services to developing and underserved countries. As a KTA Board member, Jack will have a particular interest in expanding KTA membership to include, among others, young people and trail runners.
Bob Merrill, Jersey Shore, PA
Bob retired from DCNR and the Bureau of Forestry after a 32-year career that included service as the District Forester for Moshannon State Forest. In that capacity, he coordinated the expansion of recreation opportunities in the forest, including the Quehanna Trail System. Bob was also a Program Specialist for the Bureau of Forestry in Harrisburg. He has been an avid hiker for over 40 years and currently maintains sections of the Quehanna and Allegheny Front Trails. Today, he owns a forestry services consulting business. Bob will bring many years of recreation management experience on public lands to KTA's Board of Directors. As a Board member, Bob will have a particular interest in preserving Pennsylvania’s endangered hiking trails.
The following current KTA Board members are proposed as officers for a 1-year term, beginning October 12, 2014, and subject to election by KTA Council at its annual meeting on October 11, 2014 in Doubling Gap:
President: Wanda Shirk
Vice-President: Paul Shaw
Secretary: Jim Foster
Treasurer: Ernie Werstler